After so much delays, I finally got my visa to travel to South Africa. I was very excited so I called my loved ones and inform them about my visa. They were happy for me and they threw a party for my sake. A day before I will travel to south Africa; my girlfriend came to my house crying like we are not going to see again… I tried to console her but she refused to be consoled. I explained to her that I only want to travel so that I can search for greener pastures and gather enough money to marry her. Because heaven knows that I love her so much and I am hustling to ensure I make enough money to make her my wife and make her comfortable in life. She weep for sometimes until finally she calmed herself down, as she was resting on my shoulders.. Unfortunately we got into the mood and we had sex that night. The next morning she left and I dressed up to go too the airport. On my way, my mother called me… She spent a long time crying and praying for me on phone. I was touched in the spirit to ensure that I go and make her proud at least since I am her only child. Finally, I got to the airport, I boarded the plane and in hours we arrived in south Africa. I was happy to see my brothers and sisters from another country. I took them as my blood, I made friends with some of them.. one of my friend’s took it upon himself to teach me zulu language so that I can communicate fluently with the south Africans that don’t understand English very well. I loved everything about south Africa and in a space of time I took south Africa like my own home. One day, I got a call from my girlfriend.. She called to inform me that she was pregnant, I was a bit surprised but I believed her because we had an unprotected sex the night before I traveled. I felt bad for myself because I made her a mother before making her a wife and I was not around to take care of her through out the pregnancy period, but I promised her that I will be back in a short while to put everything right and bring her to south Africa so that we can live together. She accepted and prayed for my success before she drops the call. After one year in south Africa, I made reasonable amount of money to travel home and marry my girlfriend who has already given birth to my beautiful daughter and also to see my mother because she was very sick. Still on my preparation to travel back too Nigeria… I was coming back from work one cool evening. Some group of young men stop my car and ask me to come out. I tried to know why they want me to come out. Before I knew it one of them slapped me and ask me to come out now or else.. (He speaks in his native language) I came out quitely, one of them ask me which country am I coming from?…. I smiled and told them with all boldness that I am from NIGERIA. Suddenly one of the men commanded in a loud voice “KILL THAT BASTARD” I was confused but before I could realise what was happening. One of the men brought out a sharp knife and cut off my hands, I cried out in pains with a loud voice saying “Please my brothers have mercy on me, please don’t kill me, please my love just give birth to my first baby. Please I am my mother’s only child and my mother is very sick, please imagine the level of heart break she will go through if she hears I am dead. Please for the sake of my new born baby and my sick mother, please cut off my legs and hands but please spare my life. Please my brothers, please my brothers!! As I was crying in pains and pleading with then. They kept laughing historically as they put car tires on my neck.

thos I was shouting and begging them but they refuse to listen to my pleads. Finally one of them brought out a gallon of fuel and pour it all over me. As he was pouring it he says ” Because your country is divided and shattered that is why you left your country to come here and drag our land with us right?. We must kill you, you bastard!! He spits on me and brought out a lighter and throw it on my body and then he and his gangs ran away from me as I go ablaze. I was burning, I was in flames, I could not quench the fire. I cried for help but the smoke entered my throat and seized my voice. I was burning, I saw some part of my body burning into aches I gave up and I lie down on the floor with fire all over me as I suffered in pains. Why lying down I imagined the pains my mother will go through if she hears that I am dead, I imagine the face of my love crying out of pains, (Oh my love, I never wish to make you cry or disappoint you) I imagine my new born baby who I will never meet in my life. Oh how will life be for my child that will grow without her father standing by her side. I cried bitterly in pains inside the fire because the people responsible for my death are the people I took as my family. They set me ablaze and left me to die without any form of pity. As I was in thoughts. I gave up the ghost…….. I hope we all should understand the directions of this frictional story, this is what is happening in South Africa now.

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