[News] Get a husband. You’re not commanded by God to be a footballer” Pastor tells aspiring female footballer showing off her skills

A “pastor” on Twitter has discouraged a footballer from following her dreams by telling her that God never intended for women to play football.


Tonia, an up-and-coming footballer, shared footage of her playing to show off her skills and she said she’ll keep at it until her talent is recognised.


"Get a husband. You


The self-acclaimed pastor responded to her video: “Go and get married rebel!”


"Get a husband. You


Tonia replied: “Rebel???”


And the man said: “You are not commanded by God to be a footballer or anything for that matter! Get a husband & start a family! Football might damage your fallopian tubes and you may be barren! Wise up! Money loving is evil! Money is a tool! Without it you can still be happy! Find God & a husband!”


"Get a husband. You

"Get a husband. You


The man also gave his unsolicited opinion to the medical doctor who made her mother proud by scooping 12 awards at her induction.


He tweeted at her: “There is one mission left! The ultimate mission of God! Genesis 1:28! Get a husband!”


"Get a husband. You

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