[News] ICC, Amnesty International and other foreign organizations mostly rely on fake news, they are putting the security of Nigeria in jeopardy – Lai Mohammed

Lai Mohammed, Minister of Information and Culture has accused the International Criminal Court (ICC), Amnesty International and other foreign organizations of frustrating the anti-terrorism war in the country.


Speaking at a media briefing in Lagos on Monday January 4, Mohammed warned these foreign organisations to desist from threatening Nigerian troops and putting national security in jeopardy.


He alleged that these foreign organizations “who mostly rely on fake news” are demoralising the Armed Forces and other security agencies, by constituting themselves into another ‘fighting force.’


Mohammed said;


“The Federal Government frowns at this unbridled attempt to demoralise our security men and women as they confront the onslaught from bandits and terrorists.

“Nigeria did not join the ICC so it can become a pawn on the court’s chessboard.

“It beggars belief to see that a nation fighting an existential war against bandits and terrorists is constantly being held down by an international body which it willingly joined.

“Nigeria is a sovereign state and will not surrender its sovereignty to any organisation.

“ICC, Amnesty International and their cohorts should desist from threatening our troops and putting the security of our country in jeopardy.”


The Minister backed this with report of the Cable News Network (CNN) on the #EndSARS protest, which he described as fake news.


Mohammed added;


“Enough is enough. It is sad that these organizations mostly rely on fake news and disinformation to reach their conclusions, as witnessed during the #Endsars protest when CNN – an otherwise respected global news network – went to town with fake news of a massacre.

“As it turned out, it was a massacre without bodies. As you are aware, we called CNN out and also petitioned the network. Though they acknowledged receipt of our petition, we have yet to hear from them on what actions they intend to take to prevent a recurrence of the fake news they peddled about Nigeria. I can assure you, gentlemen that the matter is far from over.”

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