[News] ISWAP abducts 15 passengers in Borno, allegedly move them into Sambisa

Fighters of the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) have reportedly abducted 15 passengers in Borno state.


A source who spoke to Daily Trust, said the passengers were abducted in Damboa Local Government Area of Borno State after the insurgents struck near Gumsuri village in Damboa.


The eyewitness said some staff of an International Non-Governmental Organisations are among the victims, and they were allegedly forcefully taken to Sambisa forest.


The victims are mostly young people who left Damboa town for Adamawa on Wednesday December 1. The insurgents reportedly mounted a checkpoint and were reportedly dressed in military camouflage.


The security source told the publication;


“It is unfortunate that the insurgents continue their nefarious activities on the fringe of Sambisa forests, we have received reports that ISWAP kidnapped at least 15 persons (passengers) near Gumsuri village while allowing two others to go.

“They are desperate to recruit more people into their criminal activities. They deceived people because they dressed in military attire’s. It is sad and shocking.”

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