[News] Piers Morgan tells Queen Elizabeth to permanently strip Prince Harry of his military titles

Journalist and TV presenter, Piers Morgan has stated that UK monarch, Queen Elizabeth should permanently strip Prince Harry of his military titles.

According to Morgan, who has always been critical of Harry and his wife, Meghan Mackle, the queen should take away Harry’s military titles because he cannot be an “absentee armchair general”.

When Harry and Meghan dramatically quit their royal duties in January 2020, the Duke was forced to give up his various roles in Her Majesty’s armed forces for one year.

The decision to strip him of the titles will be reviewed in March 2020, but reports say the Queen does not want to restore the honours believing her grandson cannot be a “half-in, half-out” royal.

Piers has now come out to state that Harry’s titles shouldn’t be restored.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Piers said: “What is being questioned is his ability to physically commit, in the UK, to the three military organisations he wants to represent.”

He adds: “He was a good soldier himself, rising to the rank of Captain and serving two tours of Afghanistan during a 10-year military career.

“But none of this justifies him being allowed to retain honorary military titles he was given through his royal status when he still performed royal duties.”

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