[News] Warning to Men: Why Erection Drugs like Viagra are Dangerous to Your Health and May Not Work for You……

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Ask any man on what to do so that you can last long in bed for at least 15minutes, and I can bet you that most of the time, the answers you will get are…

– Take 1 bottles of Alomo bitters before having sex

– Masturbate before having sex

– Take high powered erections drugs like viagra, or tramadol

– And other rubbish advice.

It already known that most of these things do not give permanent results. But the truth about viagra, tramadol and other substances used to get an erection is that… apart from the fact that they are chemical drugs, they are actually dangerous to your health.

Erections drugs like viagra are considered safe when you purchase them from pharmacies and medstores,

but the dirty little secret is that these same drugs can cause serious side effects like headache, blurred vision, stomach upset, and can damage your manhood.

In my course of research, instead of using viagra and other high powered erections drugs, there are 3 main ways to get proper erections, and enough sexual stamina to last longer in bed.

1) Cut down on eating sugary foods, alcohol and cigarettes

2) Start eating more vegetables and fruits

3) Take medicines that helps male sexual enhancement

Instead of depending on Viagra for erections, one of the herbal remedy which I recommend is NAFDAC Approved and have been used by lots of Nigerian men who testify that it’s very effective in the treatment of the root cause of premature ejaculation, weak erection and low sperm count.

And over 3,700 Nigerian men who have used this herbal remedy did not complain about any side effects of any kind ~ not even slight headache, or dizziness.

Without wasting time, let me introduce the exact herbal remedy that is effective and natural way of boosting testerone, cure premature ejaculation and helps men get stronger erections…

“Duraman Herbal Capsules”

Duraman herbal capsules is one of the herbal supplements (NAFDAC Approved) that helps men get firmer erections and maintaining the sexual energy to perform.

And once you start using it, your lovemaking sessions with your woman, becomes more intense, lasting and fulfilling.

Duraman Herbal Capsules is designed for men who want to experience much better Sexual Performance. Including:

1) Harder, more Reliable Erections – so you don’t have any more problems ‘Getting It Up’ (and you don’t have any more relationship-destroying problems SATISFYING your woman in bed)

2) Improved Staying Power – helping you to last 30 minutes or more during intercourse, every single time (and, as a result – giving your woman highly addictive Multiple Orgasms during Intercourse)

3) Increased Sex-Drive – so you’re always ‘in the mood’ and ‘ready to go!’ (FACT: many men report feeling like ‘Horny Teenagers’ when they start taking Duraman Herbal Capsules)

4) Increased Testosterone – which helps you achieve Rock-Hard Erections, and gives you a MASSIVE Sexual Appetite (while also helping you lose body-fat, and gain muscle and strength… enjoy improved energy levels… experience better confidence, and more!)

Take 1 capsule morning, 15minutes before breakfast, and 1 capsule in the evening before dinner.

Okay, I know you have heard all these before, but why is Duraman Herbal Capsules different and better than everything else you’ve tried?

The reason is simple…

1) Duraman herbal capsules do not contain any toxic ingredients

The truth is most of the drugs and supplements in the market contain toxic fillers, that is, non active ingredients that most companies add to their capsule based supplements to get the active ingredients into the capsule.

For example, viagra are popularly known to give men harder erections, but unfortunately a high number of men who take it experience serious SIDE EFFECTS.

Duraman Herbal Capsules do not contain any toxic ingredients. You can take it with peace of mind, it’s 100% safe. Men with Hypertension or Diabetes can use it without any side effects.

2) Duraman herbal capsules contains the Highest Quality ingredients

In Duraman Herbal capsules, we use the very highest quality herbal extracts to ensure it delivers the best results to men that use it.

But don’t take my word for it, below are testimonies from real people like you who have used these products and what they saying about it

My wife ordered the Duraman Herbal Capsules, titan gel and G-masun herbal mixture from your store. and she insisted I give it a try. I am now 53 and I have tried all kinds of medications just to help me get good erections and stay longer. At the end of the first week of using the Duraman Herbal Capsules and g-masun mixture, I started to notice that my erections were more frequent and i dont release too fast during sex with my wife. I don’t know how it works, but to me, it is God sent. thanks for this wonderful products


Abdul M. – Chikun lga, kaduna

Another testimonial…

AMAZING could be the best word I can use to descrbe my situation. I have had high blood pressure for more than 10 years. and even had quick ejaculation. About two months ago, I placed order for the complete kit of Duraman Herbal Capsules, titan gel and gmasun mixture. I started taking it regularly, as prescribed.


Within few weeks, I noticed that I now last up to 15minutes and still have much sexual energy to go another round.


During my semi-annual checkup, my primary physician was stunned to see that my blood pressure to be 120/81.


I can’t think of anything else but that your products is really helping me improve my sexual performance and regulating my blood pressure. Thanks for the service


Mr. Adepoju A. – Dutse Alhaji, abuja

Another testimonial….

Just wanted to tell you that the duraman capsules is working wonder for us. I ordered for duraman for my husband and within 1week we noticed his erection and stamina on bed have improved very much. Again, we helped our friend in spain to order for it, after 5 days, he noticed he’s getting stronger erection and can last for more than 10minutes without releasing.

We ordered again for another friend of my husband in the UK, he still says the product worked for him. We will keep recommendin it for our friends and colleagues, keep up with d effort


Mrs. Williams – Iponri, Lagos

I need to say a big thank you for helping me get this Duraman Herbal Capsules product. For 3 and half years I had this quick ejaculation problem and it really affected my life. I was reluctant to try this your product because I lost hope after several attempts.

But when I showed my wife, she encouraged me to order for it, and give it a try.

I use to last only 2 minutes when having sex with my wife, but now we have it for like 20 minutes and she enjoys the sex. Am really happy I can now make love to my wife like a real man.

Mr. Chukwudi, Port Harcourt.

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