[News] “Yeah, we can tell” Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex

Dentists have revealed that they are able to spot whether a patient has had oral sex.


It all started when TikTok user Cian McBriend shared a video with the caption saying he just found out dentists know when a person has given oral sex.


"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex


In a video posted to his TikTok account, a dentist with the handle @Dentite said this is true and added: “I get this question a lot, and yeah, we know.”


"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex


In a second video, he then elaborates on exactly how this is possible.


He says: “Palatal petechia. This is what it’s called. If you like, say, sucking on a lollipop, one or two, here or there, not a big deal. But let’s say you like sucking on multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple lollipops all the time, you’ve got a problem that’s gonna cause palatal petechia.”


"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex


Then, sharing a photo of what it looks like, he says: “As you can see, bruising of the soft palate and irritation right there.”


Other dentists have also chimed in, saying they can tell when a patient has been giving oral sex.


Responding to questions from people on social media, TikTok dentist @thyrants said: “Yeah, sometimes we can tell.


"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex


“And it’s usually bruising on the soft palate called petechiae. But unless the patient’s really young or shows signs of abuse, we don’t care.”


Another TikTok user, a dental hygienist called @mandimaeee, said: “So a friend of mine sent me this video and was like, ‘Oh my god, Is this true?’ Yes, it is.


“To say that I’d be able to tell if you did it three years ago? No, but if you did it recently and you were a little bit aggressive about it… Some individuals might have, um, bruising to the palate, if you know what I’m saying. Soooo yes, we can tell.”


"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex


Well, people have responded in shock and say they will now feel embarrassed visiting their dentists.


One wrote: “My dad is my dentist. MY DAD!”


Another wrote: “I see my dentist Tuesday. I’ve been going to him since I was 16. So 22 years.


“I don’t know why but I feel so embarrassed now.”


Below are more Twitter reactions and the video.


"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex

"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex

"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex

"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex

"Yeah, we can tell" Dentists reveal sign that shows a person has given a lot of oral sex


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