Love is all about sacrifice, but bro don’t allow that sacrifice to be you.
Back in the university, I saw some guys who used their school fees to pay for their girlfriend’s own. Most of them ended up missing their exams because they couldn’t raise money for theirs.
And presently, most of those couples are no longer together.
See bro, I’m not telling you not to do things for your woman, please do, but use your head because she’s not yet your wife.
Humans do disappoint, so she might still leave one day.
Then you’ll be bitter, not necessarily because she left, but about the things you did for her, which if you would have done it for yourself, you would have been a better person or be in a better place.
Bro, don’t break your heart, and use the pieces to fix another woman’s broken heart, because when you’re done fixing her heart, and your heart is now broken, she might just go to someone whose heart is complete.
The best is to fix her broken heart without breaking your own heart.
Sacrifice for a woman, but never sacrifice yourself while doing that.
Don’t lose yourself while trying to love another.
Don’t ever light yourself on fire to keep a woman warm, rather go get a firewood or paper and make a fire.
It will warm both of you, and no one gets hurt.
Be safe Bro,

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