[News] “It’s cheaper and healthier than birth control” Father undergoes vasectomy and urges other men to do same for their women

A photographer named Bruce Thompson has shared details of his vasectomy procedure.

The father had the procedure and immediately took to X on Wednesday, Nov. 15, to write about it.

He explained that it took less than 30 minutes and the procedure “wasn’t bad at all”.

He then urged men who have had enough kids to undergo the procedure, which is reversible, to give their women a break from toxic birth control pills and IUDs.

He added that the vasectomy is “cheaper, less expensive, and healthier than birth control for women”.

He went on to share data showing how much women spend on birth control and the adverse effects it has on them.



“Go do it,” he urged men.

He added, “A vasectomy is cheaper than both child support and an abobo both put together.”








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