[News] Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife

A number of Muslim women on X are having a conversation about the role of a first wife in a polygamous home.

One X user wrote, “The minute you marry the second wife, the first wife should stop all the financial support she’s been rendering in one way or the other, cos you are now more than capable to foot all bills.”

Another replied, “If you marry a polygamous man as a first wife, it’s not even ideal or wise to contribute a penny in the first place.”

The original poster then asked, “And what if he wasn’t a polygamous man until a long time after marriage, when you have settled in and contributed to most of his responsibilities?”

“Sadly, that’ll be our loss,” the second woman said.



Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife
Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife
Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife


“As it should be. You have not fed well and you want to get frisky,” another Muslim woman said.


Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife

Others who joined in the conversation added that a man who is not capable of single-handedly financing his home has no business being polygamous.


Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife
Married Muslim women say women should stop rendering financial support once their husband marries a second wife

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